Accommodation Details
Set in a prime location near the port of Calapan City , Blue Harbor has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Facilities include daily housekeeping, 24-hour front desk, Free Wi-Fi access in rooms and lobby, Nanay Goya Restaurant and safe parking. Our amenities include Hot and Cold Shower, Basic Bathroom Toiletries, Slippers, Coffee and Tea tray with Electric Kettle, Bottled Water, 32” Smart LED TV (cable tv), Electronic Safety Deposit Box ( suite room only ), Mini Refrigerator ( suite room only), Baggage Storage, and Complimentary Breakfast for 2 . We offer on call massage service . Cleanliness, Comfortability and Accessibility. Blue Harbor is an excellent choice for travelers visiting the City of Calapan. Enjoy your stay at Blue Harbor! ” Because We Value YOU ! "